Prisoner, Jailor, Prime Minister

Prisoner, Jailor, Prime Minister

About the book: Siddhart Tagore is the music genius; he has the best of Mozart and Tansen. He is one of the best students Harvard had in years. But that’s not all he is also major in politics (Tibet politics) and that’s what sets him apart from the other students at the Harvard. The reason for Siddhart’s inclination towards politics is his father who is a respected Parliamentarian in India. He wishes Siddhart to come back home and join politics. But Siddhart’s love for music is  lot more than his love for politics. Moreover, there is Rubaya whom Sidddhart loves if not more than but at least as much as he loves his music. All he wants in his life is music and Rubaya whom he fondly calls Ruby. Siddhart’s most famous and most beautiful symphony is called Rubaya. Now you can guess how much he loves her.

But music is not able to hold Siddhart for too long and he returns to his roots to join politics and become the top contender for the post of Prime Minister of India.  He loves his country the most and would not mind taking extreme measures to protect the nation from anyone who dares to harm its sovereignty; even if it is his most important and powerful rival, Rukmani Devi, Professor of Economics and Nobel Laureate. She has her own following and is quite famous among the students who would be ready to do anything for her.

Review: There is lots of politics and craziness in the book. Siddhart’s past and present go hand in hand in the book. Tabrik has written Siddhart’s character so well that you can actually feel his presence. It is as if a movie is being played in front of you. I could feel all the high and low of emotions which Siddhart experiences. He is a super crazy person but then aren’t all the art geniuses are. But sometimes his craziness frightens me. Most of the books I have read, talk about the positivisms of the characters but Tabrik gives you the dark side of all the characters. At times it gets too weird for me and it does send a shiver across my body. There are too many twists and turns in the book and with every page you turn, something new happens. That’s why despite all the craziness and negativism, I couldn’t keep the book down for a second.  Tabrik has a special interest in observing, analyzing predicting and debating the rise and fall of political personalities and he has very meticulously used this knowledge to write this book and predict our next PM.

I am not sure whether everyone will love this book or not but I am definitely sure of one thing that Narendra Modi and BJP definitely wouldn’t like this book much.

Author: Tabrik C

Genre: Fiction

Publisher: Hachette


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